4711 Solishta
GPS: 41.6517653,24.58868279999999
GPS: 41.6517653,24.58868279999999
+359 888 510 061
+359 888 510 061
There are 3 routes from Sofia City to Solishta village:
Through Krichim and Devin
The shortest route is through Krichim and Devin. The road through the mountains offers unique landscapes, because it winds around several dam lakes and continues on the top of the mountain. It is renovated and enlarged up to 3 road lanes where possible. We recommend this route, if you prefer to turn the time you spend in your car into a sightseeing tour. Many travelers compare the landscapes they see when coming into the Rhodopes to scenes from Lord of the Rings. On the road between Krichim and Mihalkovo you will find nice places for a rest with a wonderful view: we recommend to stop for coffee/ tea break or for full-body lunch at the complex "Chilingira". Good place for short rest is a beautiful viewpoint on the top of the mountain just after the tunnel.
Through Assenovgrad – Chepelare – Pamporovo
The route tourists use the most is through Assenovgrad – Chepelare – Pamporovo. If you take this itinerary, we recommend you make a stop at the Bachkovski Manastir (Bachkovo Monastery), where you may find several restaurants. If you prefer some fast-food version for lunch – stop at the center of Chepelare town. Just behind an outdoor children playground, there is kiosk where they offer delicious pizza-like sliced local specialties: “patatnik” and “kiln”. It is good idea to buy some extra take-away slices. We would suggest taking the road through Krichim on your way here, and then taking the road through Assenovgrad on your way back.
Through Dospat
If you are coming from Western Bulgaria, you will probably pass through Dospat. This road takes you through many villages and shows you a different, colorful Bulgaria. The place for a rest with the best view in Dospat is the complex called "Tihiat kut" ("The Quiet Nook"), right above the dam lake. You can also have lunch at the "Havana" restaurant in Borino village, which you will see by the road.